Born 1975, St. Paul, MN
Lives and works in Brooklyn, NY
MFA Painting, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI
BFA Painting, Maryland Institute, College of Art, Summa Cum Laude, Baltimore, MD
Lamar Dodd School of Art, University of Georgia Studies Abroad, Cortona, Italy, Spring term Junior Year
And, James Fuentes, New York, NY
From: Know-Here-With-This, Altman Siegel, San Francisco, CA
With, James Fuentes, New York, NY
from: notebook drawings and notations, James Fuentes Online
As: Now, Altman Siegel, San Francisco, CA
Are: For + remainders, James Fuentes, New York, NY
Are: , Altman Siegel, San Francisco, CA
Close/Close, James Fuentes, New York, NY
Of-It: notebook drawings / works on paper / traces/ remainders, The Armory Show with James Fuentes, NY
Of-, Altman Siegel Gallery, San Francisco, CA
final remainders 2011-2013, David Petersen Gallery, Minneapolis
Under, Maisterravalbuena Galeria, Madrid, Spain
BEFORE/BESIDE, James Fuentes, New York, NY
Towards- / Full-See / Already., Solo Presentation at Frieze, Frame section, James Fuentes LLC, London UK
Here, James Fuentes LLC, New York, NY
"What Remains After A Fire?" Brooklyn Fire Proof (Project Space), Brooklyn, NY
Jessica Dickinson: The View From Here, Bas Fisher Invitational, Miami, FL
Jessica Dickinson and Alison Knowles, James Fuentes, New York, NY
Portals With Ken Tisa, organized by Mindy Shapero, Megan Mulrooney Gallery, Los Angeles, CA (Jan.11 - Feb. 8
Therein the Beauty, organized by Lindsay Burke, Marinaro, New York, NY
A Study In Form (Chapter Two), Curated by Arden Wohl, James Fuentes, NY
A Study In Form (Chapter One), Curated by Arden Wohl, James Fuentes, NY
Sensory Poetics: Collecting Abstraction, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY
With Eyes Opened: Cranbrook Academy of Art Since 1932, Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomifield Hills, MI
Painters Drawing, Cooper Union School of Art, 41 Cooper Square Gallery, New York, NY
Slow Burn, John H. Baker Gallery, West Chester University, West Chester, PA
Friends and Family, Curated by Keith Mayerson, Peter Mendenhall Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
DOUBLES, DOBROS, PLIEGUES, PARES, TWINS, MITADES, curated by Rodrigo Moura, The Warehouse, Dallas, TX
New Ruins, The American University Museum at The Katzen Arts Center, Washingnton D.C.
Surfacing, James Harris Gallery, curated by Cameron Martin, Seattle, WA
Thy Majestic Loose Eye, And Only Thus, Tiger Strikes Asteroid, Los Angeles, CA
Will and Be Going To It, Altman Siegel Gallery, San Francisco, CA
O / U, P! and Room East, New York, NY
See Sun, And Think Shadow, Gladstone Gallery, New York, NY
Future Developments, David Petersen Gallery, Minneapolis, MN
The Home Show, curated by Asad Raza, private residence of Asad Raza, New York, NY
Same But Different, Eleni Kornoeou Gallery, Athens, Greece
Gray Would Be The Color If I Had A Heart., Curated by Tim Hawkinson, Marc Straus, New York, NY
Stirring Still, LeRoy Neiman Gallery, Columbia University, New York, NY
Room by Room: Monographic Presentations from The Faulconer and Rachofsky Collections, The Warehouse, Dallas, TX
Jessica Dickinson, Shannon Ebner, Matt Keegan, Trevor Paglan, Will Rogan, Altman Siegel Gallery, San Francisco, CA
BiennaleOnline 2013, curated by Jan Hoet,
Jessica Dickinson, Liam Everett, Yorgos Sapountzos, Elani Koroneou Gallery, Athens, Greece
Paintings from the Zabludowicz Collection: Painting in the 2.5th Dimension, London UK
MICA Then and Now, Ethan Cohen Fine Arts at Kunsthalle Beacon, Beacon, NY
Peripheral Prose: Jessica Dickinson, Nathan Dilworth, and Max Warsh, curated by Keith Varadi, Longhouse Projects, New York, NY
Jessica Dickinson, Liam Everett, Alex Olson, Josh Smith, Garth Weiser, Altman Siegel Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Jessica Dickinson, Oscar Murillo, Cammie Staros, and Phil Wagner, Mihai Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
paper a-z, Sue Scott Gallery, New York, NY
Becoming Something Found, Jolie Laide Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
RISD Faculty Biennial, RISD Museum of Art, Providence, RI
In Side Out, Susan Inglett Gallery, New York, NY
Come Through, Sikkema Jenkins & Co, New York, NY
New Work from New York, Golden Auxiliary Space, Chicago, IL
Lush Life / Chapter Four: Let It Die, Curated by Franklin Evans &Omar Lopez-Chahoud, Lehman Maupin Gallery, New York, NY
Parts & Labor, Soloway, Brooklyn, NY
Precarity and The Butter Tower, Curated by Jackie Gendel and Tom McGrath, CTRL Gallery, Houston, TX
Besides, With, Against, and Yet: Abstraction and the Ready-Made Gesture, curated by Debra Singer, The Kitchen, NY
Kings County Biennial, Kidd Yellin Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Insomnia, Peter Fingesten Gallery, Pace University, NY
On From Here, Guild & Greyshkul, New York, NY
Wow, We Have Come So Far, Bas Fisher Invitational, Miami
My Tokyo! Benefit Auction, Midway Contemporary Art, Minneapolis
8 1/2 X11" / A4, James Fuentes LLC, New York, NY
The Grey House That Thinks Itself Into Your Head Without Asking, Peter Fingesten Gallery, Pace University, New York, NY
Artist-In-Residence Biennial Exhibition: Jessica Dickinson, Jeff Gaunt, Munro Galloway, Wallace Whitney , Ewing Gallery, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Unfathom, Max Protetch Gallery, Curated by Aaron Williams and Stuart Krimko, New York, NY
NeoIntegrity, Derek Eller Gallery, Curated by Keith Mayerson, NY
The Difficult Shapes of Possible Images, Zieher Smith, New York, NY
The Sanctuary and the Scrum, Curated by David Hunt, Black & White Gallery, New York,NY
The Milwaukee International Art Fair, Bas Fisher Invitational Booth, Milwaukee, WI
Strictly Painting, Galerie Michaele Janssen / Dogenhaus Galerie / Voges + Partner (KLF), New York, NY
Excitations, Andrew Kreps Gallery, a project arranged by Matt Keegan, New York, NY
The Seismologist, Curated by David Hunt, Sara Nightingale Gallery, Water Mill, NY
The Festival of Dreams, Part 2, Curated by James Fuentes, Lombard-Freid Projects, New York,NY
Grotto 2, Jessica Murray Projects, Brooklyn, NY
Super Assembly, 111 N. Third Street, Brooklyn, NY
Artists to Artists: A Decade of The Space Program, Ace Gallery, New York, NY
718:A Bridge to Brooklyn, Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Flat File Show, Bellwether, Brooklyn, NY
it is a story in technicolor to add a touch of luxury, Swallow, Brooklyn, NY
Juried Degree Exhibition, curated by Susan Yelavich, Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY
The Rachofsky Collection, Dallas, TX
Brian Alfred, Sound & Vision Podcast, "Jessica Dickinson", Feb. 11
Arthur Peña, "Solo Show", Dallas Art Fair preview, Patron Magazine, April
Westfall, Stephen, "Slow Painting", Art in America, February
Cohen, Alina, "What Makes a Monochrome Painting Good", Artsy, March 5
Art Review, The New Yorker, September
Saltz, Jerry, "Jessica Dickinson: Are: For + remainders," Three Sentence Reviews, Vulture, New York Magazine Online, Sept. 18
MacFarlane, Rachel, “The Best Work At Frieze New York 2017 Was By Woman Artists”, Format Magazine, May 13
Zachary Royer Scholz, "Are:", Review, Art Practical, June 7
Dayal, Mira, "Juxtaposing Exhibitions", review of group exhibition "O/U" at P! and Room East, Aesthetica Magazine, September
Mysliwiec, Danielle, "In Covnersation: JESSICA DICKINSON with Danielle Mysliwiec", interview, The Brooklyn Rail, June 2015 (full cover feature)
Singer, Debra, "Up Close / Moving Back", Essay, from Jessica Dickinson: Under | Press. | With-This | Hold- | Of-Also | Of/How | Of-More | Of:Know, Inventory Press
Treib, Patricia and Dickinson, Jessica. “Jessica Dickinson and Patricia Treib in Conversation in Madrid November 2012", interview, from Jessica Dickinson: Under | Press. | With-This | Hold- | Of-Also | Of/How | Of-More | Of:Know, Inventory Press, 2015
Martin, Cameron, "Painting Has Issues", Paper Monument Issue 4
Smith, Nathaniel "Art & Vision: Intermittent Archives, l'etoile, June 20th
Griffin, Nora, "Peripheral Prose: Jessica Dickinson, Nathan Dilworth, and Max Warsh", artcritcal, Aug 2
Spector, Nancy, Curator Synopsis, BiennaleOnline 2013
Hirsch, Faye, "Exhibition Reviews: Jessica Dickinson", Art in America, January
Art Review, The New Yorker, November
Johnson, Paddy, "Jessica Dickinson's Paintings Are Full of Emptiness", L Magazine, November 23
Wullschlager, Jackie, “Engerised by youthful chaos,” Financial Times, October
Pollock, Lindsay, “Standing out from the crowd,” Art Newspaper,October
Luke, Ben, “London is gripped by the big Frieze,” London Evening Standard, October
Clausi, Leonardo, “Cecilia Alemani: Interview with the curator of one of Frieze’s sections,” Vogue Italy, October
O'Neill Butler, Lauren, "Come Through", Artforum, Critic's Picks review, Oct. 29
Levy, Michelle, "Uncertainty Sets the Stage: Come Through", ArtSlant, October
Hudson, Suzanne, "Besides, With, Against, and Yet", mention, Artforum, January
Scrimgeour, Alexander, "Jessica Dickinson, James Fuentes LLC", Review, Artforum, December issue
Baker, R.C., "Let's Renegotiate! 'Abstraction and The Ready-Made Gesture' at The Kitchen", The Village Voice, Dec.1
Wolin, Joseph, "Jessica Dickinson: Here", Review, Time Out New York,September
Kunitz, Daniel, "'Naked!' at Paul Kasmin; Jessica Dickinson's 'Here'; 'Looking at Music: Side 2' at MOMA," Review, The Village Voice, September
Art Review, The New Yorker, September
Keegan, Matt, "We're Not There", HERE, exhibition book, August
Horner, James, "Staying Up With 'Insomnia' at Pace University", Manhattan Fine Arts Examiner, Nov.17
Johnson, Paddy, "Featured Artist: Jessica Dickinson", Art Fag City blog, July 14
Buckner, Chris, "Resident Art", Metro Pulse, Knoxville, TN, Jan. 24
Artist-In-Residence Biennial Exhibition, Ewing Gallery of Art and Architecture, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Baker, R.C., "Best In Show: NeoIntegrity", mention, The Village Voice, Aug.14
PaintersNYC, Featured Artist, July 17,
Feinstein, Roni, "Miami Preview", Art in America, December issue
Johnson, Ken, "The Sanctuary and The Scrum", The New York Times, July 7
Flash Art Online, "Studio Visit: Halsey Rodman", interview with Andrea Bellini, mention
Weinberg, Michelle, "Edging In: Fringe Actions Initiated by Artists, Curators and Others During Basel Weekend", Miami Sun Post, December
Raskin, Lisi, "Introducing…Jessica Dickinson", feature, NYFA Current, April 19,
Etc. Projects, published by Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York, NY
Harrison, Helen, "Landscapes: Fantastic, Elemental, or Formal: 'The Seismologist', Sara Nighthtingale Gallery", The New York Times, Long Island Edition, Nov. 13
Kim, Min and Dickinson, Jessica, "Expanding Narratives of Interiority", Interview, North Drive Press, Volume #2, Edited by Matt Keegan
Steep Rock Arts Residency, Washington, CT
Belle Foundation Individual Grant
Farpath Grant and Residency in Dijon, France
Artist-In-Residence, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, Fall
Change, Inc., artists grant
The Space Program, The Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation, New York, NY
Marguerite Kimball Merit Scholarship, Cranbrook Academy of Art
Free Draw!, organized and facilitated workshop as part of The Union of Initiatives for Education Assembly for Anna Craycroft: Subject of Leaning / Object of Study, Blanton Museum of Art, Austin, TX
Organized the group exhibition The Grey House That Thinks Itself Into Your Head Without Asking, Peter Finsgesten Gallery, Pace University, New York, NY
Ballad of the Breathless Performance and Exhibition, site-specificdrawing installation created for Emily Graves' poetry reading to launch publication of Ballad of The Breathless, Jax Building, Studio 401, St. Paul, MN
The following self-published chapbooks are collaborations with the poetry of Emily Graves through our project Monday Dinner Publications: Remember the Absurdity and The Monkey's of the Street (2001); thirsting for the big scrub (1998) Learning the Art of Motion (1997); a rare occurrence in which we are entirely permeable (1995);In The Trunk Of The Female (1994)
2025 Evening Lecture Series, New York Studio School, New York, NY (forthcoming Feb. 25)
2024 Visitng Artist, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT
2022 Visiting Artist, Yale University, Graduate Painting and Printmaking Department, New Haven, CT
Visiting Artist, SUNY Purchase, MFA Prgram, School of Art + Design, Purchase, NY
2021 Virtual Gallery Visit, Graduate Painting Department, Cranbrook Academy of Art
2017 Visiting Artist, Rhode Island School of Design, MFA Program, Painting, Providence, RI
2015 Session Participant and Presenter, "A Dialogue With The Art of Alberto Burri", in conjunction with Alberto Burri: The Trauma of Painting, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
2013 Visiting Artist, Columbia University Summer Painting Intensive, New York, NY
2012 Artist-Led Walk Through, Art of Another Kind: International Abstraction and The Guggenheim, 1949-1960, The Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY, July 25
Visiting Artist, Yale Summer School of Art and Music, Norfolk, CT
2011 Visiting Artist, Cooper Union School of Art, New York, NY
2010 Visiting Artist, MA Program, New York University, New York
Visiting Artist, MFA Program, Rutgers University, Mason Gross School of The Arts, New Brunswick, NJ
Visiting Artist, MFA Program, Boston University, Boston, MA
2009 Visiting Artist, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI
2007 Visiting Artist, Massachusetts College of Art, MFA Program, Boston
Visiting Artist, Cranbrook Academy of Art, MFA Program, MI
2006 Artist-In-Residence Lecture, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
2002 Visiting Artist, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD
2022 Visiting Artist, Graduate Painting Department, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI
2018-20 Adjunct Faculty, Visiting Artist, Cooper Union School of Art, New York, NY, Fall semesters
2018 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Columbia University School of the Arts, New York, NY, Spring
2016 Visiting Critic, Columbia University School of the Arts, MFA Program, New York, NY
2013-15 Adjunct Faculty, Critic, Yale University School of The Arts, MFA Program, New Haven, CT, Spring semesters
2011-14 Adjunct Faculty, Visiting Artist, Cooper Union School of Art, New York, NY, Fall semesters
2010 Adjunct Faculty, Part-Time Critic, Rhode Island School of Design
2009 Adjunct Faculty, Part-Time Critic, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI
Part-Time Faculty, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD
Drawing Instructor, Cooper Union School of Continuing Education, NY
2008 Part-Time Faculty, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD
Drawing Instructor, Cooper Union School of Continuing Education, NY
2007-12 Adjunct Associate Professor, Pace University, New York, NY
2007 Part Time Faculty, The New School for General Studies, New York, NY
Guest Critic for Junior/Senior Painting, Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA
2006 Artist-In-Residence: Graduate Seminar, Painting III, Drawing III, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Guest Critic for Junior/Senior Painting, Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA
2005 Guest Critic for Senior Thesis, Painting, Drawing, and GFA, Maryland Institute College of Art
2004 Guest Critic for Senior Thesis, Painting, Drawing, and GFA, Maryland Institute College of Art
Part-Time Faculty, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD
2003 Guest Critic for Senior Thesis, Painting, Drawing, and GFA, Maryland Institute College of Art
Born 1975, St. Paul, MN
Lives and works in Brooklyn, NY
MFA Painting, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI
BFA Painting, Maryland Institute, College of Art, Summa Cum Laude, Baltimore, MD
Lamar Dodd School of Art, University of Georgia Studies Abroad, Cortona, Italy, Spring term Junior Year
And, James Fuentes, New York, NY
From: Know-Here-With-This, Altman Siegel, San Francisco, CA
With, James Fuentes, New York, NY
from: notebook drawings and notations, James Fuentes Online
As: Now, Altman Siegel, San Francisco, CA
Are: For + remainders, James Fuentes, New York, NY
Are: , Altman Siegel, San Francisco, CA
Close/Close, James Fuentes, New York, NY
Of-It: notebook drawings / works on paper / traces/ remainders, The Armory Show with James Fuentes, NY
Of-, Altman Siegel Gallery, San Francisco, CA
final remainders 2011-2013, David Petersen Gallery, Minneapolis
Under, Maisterravalbuena Galeria, Madrid, Spain
BEFORE/BESIDE, James Fuentes, New York, NY
Towards- / Full-See / Already., Solo Presentation at Frieze, Frame section, James Fuentes LLC, London UK
Here, James Fuentes LLC, New York, NY
"What Remains After A Fire?" Brooklyn Fire Proof (Project Space), Brooklyn, NY
Jessica Dickinson: The View From Here, Bas Fisher Invitational, Miami, FL
Jessica Dickinson and Alison Knowles, James Fuentes, New York, NY
Portals With Ken Tisa, organized by Mindy Shapero, Megan Mulrooney Gallery, Los Angeles, CA (Jan.11 - Feb. 8
Therein the Beauty, organized by Lindsay Burke, Marinaro, New York, NY
A Study In Form (Chapter Two), Curated by Arden Wohl, James Fuentes, NY
A Study In Form (Chapter One), Curated by Arden Wohl, James Fuentes, NY
Sensory Poetics: Collecting Abstraction, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY
With Eyes Opened: Cranbrook Academy of Art Since 1932, Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomifield Hills, MI
Painters Drawing, Cooper Union School of Art, 41 Cooper Square Gallery, New York, NY
Slow Burn, John H. Baker Gallery, West Chester University, West Chester, PA
Friends and Family, Curated by Keith Mayerson, Peter Mendenhall Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
DOUBLES, DOBROS, PLIEGUES, PARES, TWINS, MITADES, curated by Rodrigo Moura, The Warehouse, Dallas, TX
New Ruins, The American University Museum at The Katzen Arts Center, Washingnton D.C.
Surfacing, James Harris Gallery, curated by Cameron Martin, Seattle, WA
Thy Majestic Loose Eye, And Only Thus, Tiger Strikes Asteroid, Los Angeles, CA
Will and Be Going To It, Altman Siegel Gallery, San Francisco, CA
O / U, P! and Room East, New York, NY
See Sun, And Think Shadow, Gladstone Gallery, New York, NY
Future Developments, David Petersen Gallery, Minneapolis, MN
The Home Show, curated by Asad Raza, private residence of Asad Raza, New York, NY
Same But Different, Eleni Kornoeou Gallery, Athens, Greece
Gray Would Be The Color If I Had A Heart., Curated by Tim Hawkinson, Marc Straus, New York, NY
Stirring Still, LeRoy Neiman Gallery, Columbia University, New York, NY
Room by Room: Monographic Presentations from The Faulconer and Rachofsky Collections, The Warehouse, Dallas, TX
Jessica Dickinson, Shannon Ebner, Matt Keegan, Trevor Paglan, Will Rogan, Altman Siegel Gallery, San Francisco, CA
BiennaleOnline 2013, curated by Jan Hoet,
Jessica Dickinson, Liam Everett, Yorgos Sapountzos, Elani Koroneou Gallery, Athens, Greece
Paintings from the Zabludowicz Collection: Painting in the 2.5th Dimension, London UK
MICA Then and Now, Ethan Cohen Fine Arts at Kunsthalle Beacon, Beacon, NY
Peripheral Prose: Jessica Dickinson, Nathan Dilworth, and Max Warsh, curated by Keith Varadi, Longhouse Projects, New York, NY
Jessica Dickinson, Liam Everett, Alex Olson, Josh Smith, Garth Weiser, Altman Siegel Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Jessica Dickinson, Oscar Murillo, Cammie Staros, and Phil Wagner, Mihai Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
paper a-z, Sue Scott Gallery, New York, NY
Becoming Something Found, Jolie Laide Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
RISD Faculty Biennial, RISD Museum of Art, Providence, RI
In Side Out, Susan Inglett Gallery, New York, NY
Come Through, Sikkema Jenkins & Co, New York, NY
New Work from New York, Golden Auxiliary Space, Chicago, IL
Lush Life / Chapter Four: Let It Die, Curated by Franklin Evans &Omar Lopez-Chahoud, Lehman Maupin Gallery, New York, NY
Parts & Labor, Soloway, Brooklyn, NY
Precarity and The Butter Tower, Curated by Jackie Gendel and Tom McGrath, CTRL Gallery, Houston, TX
Besides, With, Against, and Yet: Abstraction and the Ready-Made Gesture, curated by Debra Singer, The Kitchen, NY
Kings County Biennial, Kidd Yellin Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Insomnia, Peter Fingesten Gallery, Pace University, NY
On From Here, Guild & Greyshkul, New York, NY
Wow, We Have Come So Far, Bas Fisher Invitational, Miami
My Tokyo! Benefit Auction, Midway Contemporary Art, Minneapolis
8 1/2 X11" / A4, James Fuentes LLC, New York, NY
The Grey House That Thinks Itself Into Your Head Without Asking, Peter Fingesten Gallery, Pace University, New York, NY
Artist-In-Residence Biennial Exhibition: Jessica Dickinson, Jeff Gaunt, Munro Galloway, Wallace Whitney , Ewing Gallery, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Unfathom, Max Protetch Gallery, Curated by Aaron Williams and Stuart Krimko, New York, NY
NeoIntegrity, Derek Eller Gallery, Curated by Keith Mayerson, NY
The Difficult Shapes of Possible Images, Zieher Smith, New York, NY
The Sanctuary and the Scrum, Curated by David Hunt, Black & White Gallery, New York,NY
The Milwaukee International Art Fair, Bas Fisher Invitational Booth, Milwaukee, WI
Strictly Painting, Galerie Michaele Janssen / Dogenhaus Galerie / Voges + Partner (KLF), New York, NY
Excitations, Andrew Kreps Gallery, a project arranged by Matt Keegan, New York, NY
The Seismologist, Curated by David Hunt, Sara Nightingale Gallery, Water Mill, NY
The Festival of Dreams, Part 2, Curated by James Fuentes, Lombard-Freid Projects, New York,NY
Grotto 2, Jessica Murray Projects, Brooklyn, NY
Super Assembly, 111 N. Third Street, Brooklyn, NY
Artists to Artists: A Decade of The Space Program, Ace Gallery, New York, NY
718:A Bridge to Brooklyn, Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Flat File Show, Bellwether, Brooklyn, NY
it is a story in technicolor to add a touch of luxury, Swallow, Brooklyn, NY
Juried Degree Exhibition, curated by Susan Yelavich, Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY
The Rachofsky Collection, Dallas, TX
Brian Alfred, Sound & Vision Podcast, "Jessica Dickinson", Feb. 11
Arthur Peña, "Solo Show", Dallas Art Fair preview, Patron Magazine, April
Westfall, Stephen, "Slow Painting", Art in America, February
Cohen, Alina, "What Makes a Monochrome Painting Good", Artsy, March 5
Art Review, The New Yorker, September
Saltz, Jerry, "Jessica Dickinson: Are: For + remainders," Three Sentence Reviews, Vulture, New York Magazine Online, Sept. 18
MacFarlane, Rachel, “The Best Work At Frieze New York 2017 Was By Woman Artists”, Format Magazine, May 13
Zachary Royer Scholz, "Are:", Review, Art Practical, June 7
Dayal, Mira, "Juxtaposing Exhibitions", review of group exhibition "O/U" at P! and Room East, Aesthetica Magazine, September
Mysliwiec, Danielle, "In Covnersation: JESSICA DICKINSON with Danielle Mysliwiec", interview, The Brooklyn Rail, June 2015 (full cover feature)
Singer, Debra, "Up Close / Moving Back", Essay, from Jessica Dickinson: Under | Press. | With-This | Hold- | Of-Also | Of/How | Of-More | Of:Know, Inventory Press
Treib, Patricia and Dickinson, Jessica. “Jessica Dickinson and Patricia Treib in Conversation in Madrid November 2012", interview, from Jessica Dickinson: Under | Press. | With-This | Hold- | Of-Also | Of/How | Of-More | Of:Know, Inventory Press, 2015
Martin, Cameron, "Painting Has Issues", Paper Monument Issue 4
Smith, Nathaniel "Art & Vision: Intermittent Archives, l'etoile, June 20th
Griffin, Nora, "Peripheral Prose: Jessica Dickinson, Nathan Dilworth, and Max Warsh", artcritcal, Aug 2
Spector, Nancy, Curator Synopsis, BiennaleOnline 2013
Hirsch, Faye, "Exhibition Reviews: Jessica Dickinson", Art in America, January
Art Review, The New Yorker, November
Johnson, Paddy, "Jessica Dickinson's Paintings Are Full of Emptiness", L Magazine, November 23
Wullschlager, Jackie, “Engerised by youthful chaos,” Financial Times, October
Pollock, Lindsay, “Standing out from the crowd,” Art Newspaper,October
Luke, Ben, “London is gripped by the big Frieze,” London Evening Standard, October
Clausi, Leonardo, “Cecilia Alemani: Interview with the curator of one of Frieze’s sections,” Vogue Italy, October
O'Neill Butler, Lauren, "Come Through", Artforum, Critic's Picks review, Oct. 29
Levy, Michelle, "Uncertainty Sets the Stage: Come Through", ArtSlant, October
Hudson, Suzanne, "Besides, With, Against, and Yet", mention, Artforum, January
Scrimgeour, Alexander, "Jessica Dickinson, James Fuentes LLC", Review, Artforum, December issue
Baker, R.C., "Let's Renegotiate! 'Abstraction and The Ready-Made Gesture' at The Kitchen", The Village Voice, Dec.1
Wolin, Joseph, "Jessica Dickinson: Here", Review, Time Out New York,September
Kunitz, Daniel, "'Naked!' at Paul Kasmin; Jessica Dickinson's 'Here'; 'Looking at Music: Side 2' at MOMA," Review, The Village Voice, September
Art Review, The New Yorker, September
Keegan, Matt, "We're Not There", HERE, exhibition book, August
Horner, James, "Staying Up With 'Insomnia' at Pace University", Manhattan Fine Arts Examiner, Nov.17
Johnson, Paddy, "Featured Artist: Jessica Dickinson", Art Fag City blog, July 14
Buckner, Chris, "Resident Art", Metro Pulse, Knoxville, TN, Jan. 24
Artist-In-Residence Biennial Exhibition, Ewing Gallery of Art and Architecture, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Baker, R.C., "Best In Show: NeoIntegrity", mention, The Village Voice, Aug.14
PaintersNYC, Featured Artist, July 17,
Feinstein, Roni, "Miami Preview", Art in America, December issue
Johnson, Ken, "The Sanctuary and The Scrum", The New York Times, July 7
Flash Art Online, "Studio Visit: Halsey Rodman", interview with Andrea Bellini, mention
Weinberg, Michelle, "Edging In: Fringe Actions Initiated by Artists, Curators and Others During Basel Weekend", Miami Sun Post, December
Raskin, Lisi, "Introducing…Jessica Dickinson", feature, NYFA Current, April 19,
Etc. Projects, published by Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York, NY
Harrison, Helen, "Landscapes: Fantastic, Elemental, or Formal: 'The Seismologist', Sara Nighthtingale Gallery", The New York Times, Long Island Edition, Nov. 13
Kim, Min and Dickinson, Jessica, "Expanding Narratives of Interiority", Interview, North Drive Press, Volume #2, Edited by Matt Keegan
JESSICA DICKINSON, James Fuentes Press, New York, NY
With Eyes Opened: Cranbrook Academy of Art Since 1932, published in conjunction with the exhibition With Eyes Opened: Cranbrook Academy of Art Since 1932, Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Raza, Asad, The Home Show, Exhibition Book, New York, NY
Moura, Rodrigo, DOUBLES, DOBROS, PLIEGUES, PARES, TWINS, MITADES, Exhibition Catalogue, The Warehouse, Dallas, TX
Campbell, Natalie and Mysliwiec, Danielle, “New Ruins”, exhibition brochure, The American University Art Museum at The Katzen Arts Center
Jessica Dickinson Under / Press. / With-This / Hold- / Of-Also / Of-How / Of-More / Of: Know, Inventory Press, New York, NY
Painting from the Zabludowicz Collection, Exhibition Catalog, interview, Edited by Ellen Mara DeWachter, published by Zabludowicz Art Projects
Ballad of The Breathless, An Anthology of Poetry by Emily Graves, featured artwork, Spout Press
Artist-In-Residence Biennial Exhibition, exhibition catalogue, Ewing Gallery of Art and Architecture, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Etc. Projects, published by Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York, NY
Artists to Artists: A Decade of The Space Program, exhibition catalogue, published by The Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation, Edited by David Frankel
718: A Bridge to Brooklyn, exhibition catalogue, Cranbrook Art Museum
JESSICA DICKINSON, James Fuentes Press, New York, NY
With Eyes Opened: Cranbrook Academy of Art Since 1932, published in conjunction with the exhibition With Eyes Opened: Cranbrook Academy of Art Since 1932, Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Raza, Asad, The Home Show, Exhibition Book, New York, NY
Moura, Rodrigo, DOUBLES, DOBROS, PLIEGUES, PARES, TWINS, MITADES, Exhibition Catalogue, The Warehouse, Dallas, TX
Campbell, Natalie and Mysliwiec, Danielle, “New Ruins”, exhibition brochure, The American University Art Museum at The Katzen Arts Center
Jessica Dickinson Under / Press. / With-This / Hold- / Of-Also / Of-How / Of-More / Of: Know, Inventory Press, New York, NY
Painting from the Zabludowicz Collection, Exhibition Catalog, interview, Edited by Ellen Mara DeWachter, published by Zabludowicz Art Projects
Ballad of The Breathless, An Anthology of Poetry by Emily Graves, featured artwork, Spout Press
Artist-In-Residence Biennial Exhibition, exhibition catalogue, Ewing Gallery of Art and Architecture, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Etc. Projects, published by Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York, NY
Artists to Artists: A Decade of The Space Program, exhibition catalogue, published by The Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation, Edited by David Frankel
718: A Bridge to Brooklyn, exhibition catalogue, Cranbrook Art Museum
Steep Rock Arts Residency, Washington, CT
Belle Foundation Individual Grant
Farpath Grant and Residency in Dijon, France
Artist-In-Residence, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, Fall
Change, Inc., artists grant
The Space Program, The Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation, New York, NY
Marguerite Kimball Merit Scholarship, Cranbrook Academy of Art
Free Draw!, organized and facilitated workshop as part of The Union of Initiatives for Education Assembly for Anna Craycroft: Subject of Leaning / Object of Study, Blanton Museum of Art, Austin, TX
Organized the group exhibition The Grey House That Thinks Itself Into Your Head Without Asking, Peter Finsgesten Gallery, Pace University, New York, NY
Ballad of the Breathless Performance and Exhibition, site-specificdrawing installation created for Emily Graves' poetry reading to launch publication of Ballad of The Breathless, Jax Building, Studio 401, St. Paul, MN
The following self-published chapbooks are collaborations with the poetry of Emily Graves through our project Monday Dinner Publications: Remember the Absurdity and The Monkey's of the Street (2001); thirsting for the big scrub (1998) Learning the Art of Motion (1997); a rare occurrence in which we are entirely permeable (1995);In The Trunk Of The Female (1994)
2025 Evening Lecture Series, New York Studio School, New York, NY (forthcoming Feb. 25)
2024 Visitng Artist, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT
2022 Visiting Artist, Yale University, Graduate Painting and Printmaking Department, New Haven, CT
Visiting Artist, SUNY Purchase, MFA Prgram, School of Art + Design, Purchase, NY
2021 Virtual Gallery Visit, Graduate Painting Department, Cranbrook Academy of Art
2017 Visiting Artist, Rhode Island School of Design, MFA Program, Painting, Providence, RI
2015 Session Participant and Presenter, "A Dialogue With The Art of Alberto Burri", in conjunction with Alberto Burri: The Trauma of Painting, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
2013 Visiting Artist, Columbia University Summer Painting Intensive, New York, NY
2012 Artist-Led Walk Through, Art of Another Kind: International Abstraction and The Guggenheim, 1949-1960, The Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY, July 25
Visiting Artist, Yale Summer School of Art and Music, Norfolk, CT
2011 Visiting Artist, Cooper Union School of Art, New York, NY
2010 Visiting Artist, MA Program, New York University, New York
Visiting Artist, MFA Program, Rutgers University, Mason Gross School of The Arts, New Brunswick, NJ
Visiting Artist, MFA Program, Boston University, Boston, MA
2009 Visiting Artist, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI
2007 Visiting Artist, Massachusetts College of Art, MFA Program, Boston
Visiting Artist, Cranbrook Academy of Art, MFA Program, MI
2006 Artist-In-Residence Lecture, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
2002 Visiting Artist, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD
2022 Visiting Artist, Graduate Painting Department, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI
2018-20 Adjunct Faculty, Visiting Artist, Cooper Union School of Art, New York, NY, Fall semesters
2018 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Columbia University School of the Arts, New York, NY, Spring
2016 Visiting Critic, Columbia University School of the Arts, MFA Program, New York, NY
2013-15 Adjunct Faculty, Critic, Yale University School of The Arts, MFA Program, New Haven, CT, Spring semesters
2011-14 Adjunct Faculty, Visiting Artist, Cooper Union School of Art, New York, NY, Fall semesters
2010 Adjunct Faculty, Part-Time Critic, Rhode Island School of Design
2009 Adjunct Faculty, Part-Time Critic, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI
Part-Time Faculty, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD
Drawing Instructor, Cooper Union School of Continuing Education, NY
2008 Part-Time Faculty, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD
Drawing Instructor, Cooper Union School of Continuing Education, NY
2007-12 Adjunct Associate Professor, Pace University, New York, NY
2007 Part Time Faculty, The New School for General Studies, New York, NY
Guest Critic for Junior/Senior Painting, Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA
2006 Artist-In-Residence: Graduate Seminar, Painting III, Drawing III, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Guest Critic for Junior/Senior Painting, Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA
2005 Guest Critic for Senior Thesis, Painting, Drawing, and GFA, Maryland Institute College of Art
2004 Guest Critic for Senior Thesis, Painting, Drawing, and GFA, Maryland Institute College of Art
Part-Time Faculty, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD
2003 Guest Critic for Senior Thesis, Painting, Drawing, and GFA, Maryland Institute College of Art